DIY Hangboard

I had been browsing for a hangboard that I could take with me when I travel for work, which is quite a bit. The goal was to be able to hang it from the pull up bar that many hotels have. The additional benefit being, that I could hang it on one of the door frame pull up bars in my apartment. Eventually I found a good starting plan on SIC grips websites. I followed there general template, but did a few things differently. I ended up making three of them. I gave one to my brother. Sold one to a friend and the third I have used myself. Everyone has been pretty happy with the results. I wanted to share how I did it as maybe someone else might repeat it or make it and adjust it to their own needs.

 Just a few notes that I forgot to include.

  • Make sure to make the string that runs through everything plenty long. If it is too short, the two finger pockets become blocked and unusable. 
  • A drill press makes things a lot easier, but isn't totally necessary.
  • The dremel was a super easy way to clean up the holes and you can pick a small one up from Harbor Freight extremely cheap if you don't have one.


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